As Pope who gathers mony to trans… With Gay the Shepheard Writer me… Says Pope, your Ecclogues wont co… For Phillips to reprieve him Tons… Indeed the story may be true, says…
My name is Wheeler here I ly Because I happend for to dy life wheeld me in death wheeld me… how strangely things are wheeld ab…
As Celia with her Sparrow playd She took a glass unseen Her mouth she filld & while he billd She spirts ye liquor in
How nicely fair Phillis you manag… You neither reproach nor approve h… Just keep him in play wth ye hopes… Not give him enough that you’le lo… Tis tyrrany ruling in love wth suc…
For Nothing Lucy never plays ye w… Thats true’for Lucy ever pays b…
Our Carys a Delicate Poet; for W… For having writt? No: but for hav…
How justly art when Cælia aids s… Contends her ms nature to excell The slender needles in that hand c… Such forms as hers but of a better… The silk is placd the winding trac…
O Tell if any fate you see Can more unhappy prove Than where the nymph will cruell b… & still the swain must love Twere Joy to sigh & serve a f…
See the star that leads the day Rising shoots a golden ray, To make the shades of darkness go From heaven above and earth below; And warn us early with the sight
To friend with fingers quick &… I send this piece of tunefull timb… that, as ’tis said in Orpheus stor… He may teach trees to dance a Bor… Or else in modern Phrase more kna…
Gays gon out early, how comes it t… Not that he has buisness, but thin…
The Persians us’d at setting of y… To howl, as if he nere again shoul… They onely acted it but we indeed Must doot for all that lovely was… all that was great good Just &…
Far in a wild, unknown to public v… From youth to age a rev’rend hermi… The moss his bed, the cave his hum… His food the fruits, his drink the… Remote from man, with God he pass…
To the kind powr who taught me how… Thus with the first of all wch he… Did ancient piety approach the Go… Defended long by prejudice & p… Ive fancyd love a cant its god def…
The sun is swiftly mounted high; It glitters in the southern sky; Its beams with force and glory bea… And fruitful earth is fill’d with… Father, also with Thy fire