In vain, poor Nymph, to please ou… You sleep in cream and frontlets a… Your face with patches soil, with… Dress with gay gowns, and shade wi… If truth in spight of manners must…
For Nothing Lucy never plays ye w… Thats true’for Lucy ever pays b…
Urg’d by the warmth of Friendship… But more by all the glories of thy… By all those offsprings of thy lea… In judgment solid, as in wit refin… Resolv’d I sing: Tho’ lab’ring up…
Is virtue something reall here bel… Or but an Idle name & empty s… While on this head I take my thou… Methinks young Freedom answers wt… In his own moralls thus the Spark…
With kind compassion hear my cry O Jesu, Lord of life, on high! As when the Summer’s seasons beat With scorching flame and parching… The trees are burnt, the flowers f…
When thy beauty appears In its graces and airs All bright as an angel new dropp’d… At distance I gaze and am awed by… So strangely you dazzle my eye!
See the star that leads the day Rising shoots a golden ray, To make the shades of darkness go From heaven above and earth below; And warn us early with the sight
Thyrsis, a young and am’rous Swai… Saw two, the Beauties of the Plai… Who both his Heart subdue: Gay Cælia’s Eyes were dazzling fa… Sabina’s easy Shape and Air
Is Viner Dead? and shall each Mu… Silent as Death, and as his Music… Shall he depart without a poet’s… Who oft to Harmony has tun’d thei… Shall he, who knew the Elegance o…
In Britain’s Isle and Arthur’s d… When Midnight Faeries daunc’d the… Liv’d Edwin of the Green; Edwin, I wis, a gentle Youth, Endow’d with Courage, Sense and…
Look mercyfully down O Lord & wash us from our sinn Cleanse us from wicked deeds witho… from wicked thoughts within Lord I Confess my many sinns
Happy the man whose firm resolves… Assisting Grace to burst his sinf… For him the Days with golden minu… Tis his the Land where milk &… Justice & mercy piety & pe…
The things that Mortals love are… & swiftly transient fleet befo… Or if with man a longer while they… Man swiftly transient fleets himse…
To Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbr… I hate the Vulgar with untuneful… Hearts uninspir’d, and Senses unr… Hence ye Prophane, I raise the so… And Bolingbroke descends to hear…