From the bleak Beach and broad ex… To lofty Salem, Thought direct th… Mount thy light chariot, move alon… And end thy flight where Hezekiah… How swiftly thought has pass’d fro…
The sun is swiftly mounted high; It glitters in the southern sky; Its beams with force and glory bea… And fruitful earth is fill’d with… Father, also with Thy fire
In the st season of the infant ear… When all from Chaos took their or… When mankind from the hand of heav… All pure & white ere vice had… But evry act with innocence indu’d
& tis too true alass! we find,… Virtue from earth a second time is… She onely then with her two sister… But now since he, what ere were go… Uncertain where to fix, in him the…
One authour has anothers head begu… Lett no man say it might be better… For since they both are Witts Ime… To find he has not drawn him twice…
Propitious Son of God to thee With all my soul I bend my knee, My wish I send my want impart, And dedicate my mind and heart, For as an absent parent’s son
In Britain’s Isle and Arthur’s d… When Midnight Faeries daunc’d the… Liv’d Edwin of the Green; Edwin, I wis, a gentle Youth, Endow’d with Courage, Sense and…
a Nations praise thine ample glory… or let the Nation find its praise…
To stifle Passion is no easy Thin… A Heart in Love is always on the… The bold Betrayer flutters still, And fans the Breath prepar’d to t… It melts the Tongue, and tunes th…
Hail to the sacred silence of this… Hail to the greens below the green… Oft have I found beneath these sh… A reall in imaginary bliss for they my fancy sooth she’s a c…
Mother of plenty, daughter of the… Sweet Peace, the troubl’d world’s… Around thy poet weave thy summer s… Within my fancy spread thy flow’ry… Amongst thy train soft ease and pl…
Ime Pleasd that Heaven hears my c… Regards me when I pray, Ime pleasd, & in a gratefull… Will worship every day. God heard my voice, & I escap…
Young Philomela’s powrfull dart Two gentle shepheard’s hitt With Beauty touchd Amintors heart Celadons with witt The Rivall swains on either side
Thanks to the friend whose happy l… In Derry’s oaten soil frozen air When to the Citty late I bid fare… Beneath my firm resolves my scribl… The Ghost of my departed Muse you…
Poets are bound by ye severest rul… the great ones must be mad, ye lit… thus wn. I rime ’tis at my own exp… to please my friend, I drop my cla… but now ye greater sway wch custom…