Happy the man whose firm resolves… Assisting Grace to burst his sinf… For him the Days with golden minu… Tis his the Land where milk &… Justice & mercy piety & pe…
Arise my soul & hast away Thy god doth call & canst thou… Thee to his table he invites To tast of heavenly delights He sufferd death to sett thee free
Hadst thou but livd before ye God… That Heathens ownd ye world might… ‘If any settled seat ye Muses use ’Thou art that seat or art thy sel…
Thou Gaudy Idle world adieu, & all thy tinsell Joys; I lovd thee dearly once tis true, But since a better choice I knew, Ive made that better choice.
Now early shepheards ore ye meadow… And print long foot-steps in the g… The Cows unfeeding near the cotta… By turns obedient to the Milkers… Or loytring stretch beneath an Oa…
A thoughtful Being, long and spar… Our Race of Mortals call him Car… (Were Homer living, well he knew What Name the Gods have call’d hi… With fine Mechanick Genius wrough…
To grace those lines wch next appe… The Pencil shone with more abated… Yet still ye pencil shone, ye line… & awfull Moses stands recorded… Lett his repleat with flames &…
From that dire æra, bane to Saru… Which broke his schemes and laid h… He talks and writes that Pop’ry w… And we, and he, and all his works… What touch’d himself was almost fa…
Relentless Time! destroying Pow’r Whom Stone and Brass obey, Who giv’st to ev’ry flying Hour To work some new Decay; Unheard, unheeded, and unseen,
Is virtue something reall here bel… Or but an Idle name & empty s… While on this head I take my thou… Methinks young Freedom answers wt… In his own moralls thus the Spark…
One authour has anothers head begu… Lett no man say it might be better… For since they both are Witts Ime… To find he has not drawn him twice…
To Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbr… I hate the Vulgar with untuneful… Hearts uninspir’d, and Senses unr… Hence ye Prophane, I raise the so… And Bolingbroke descends to hear…
Thus sung the king’some angel re… From Eden’s tree to crown the wis… And now thou fairest garden ever m… Broad banks of spices, blossom’d w… O Lebanon! where much I love to d…
Thyrsis, a young and am’rous Swai… Saw two, the Beauties of the Plai… Who both his Heart subdue: Gay Cælia’s Eyes were dazzling fa… Sabina’s easy Shape and Air
To stifle Passion is no easy Thin… A Heart in Love is always on the… The bold Betrayer flutters still, And fans the Breath prepar’d to t… It melts the Tongue, and tunes th…