Now early shepheards ore ye meadow… And print long foot-steps in the g… The Cows unfeeding near the cotta… By turns obedient to the Milkers… Or loytring stretch beneath an Oa…
Thanks to the friend whose happy l… In Derry’s oaten soil frozen air When to the Citty late I bid fare… Beneath my firm resolves my scribl… The Ghost of my departed Muse you…
My days have been so wondrous free… The little birds that fly With careless ease from tree to tr… Were but as bless’d as I. Ask gliding waters, if a tear
When rosy-finger’d Morn had ting’… Around their Monarch-Mouse the N… Slow rose the Monarch, heav’d his… And thus, the Council fill’d with… For lost Psycarpax much my Soul e…
One authour has anothers head begu… Lett no man say it might be better… For since they both are Witts Ime… To find he has not drawn him twice…
To the kind powr who taught me how… Thus with the first of all wch he… Did ancient piety approach the Go… Defended long by prejudice & p… Ive fancyd love a cant its god def…
Strephon & I upon a bank were… Where the gay spring in varied col… & her rich odours lavish natur… When thus the Youth, while this w… Can we but wonder at its maker too…
To Henry, Lord Viscount Bolingbr… I hate the Vulgar with untuneful… Hearts uninspir’d, and Senses unr… Hence ye Prophane, I raise the so… And Bolingbroke descends to hear…
Now Front to Front the marching… Halt e’er they meet, and form the… The Chiefs conspicuous seen, and… Give the loud Sign to loose the r… Their dreadful Trumpets deep-mout…
When thy beauty appears In its graces and airs All bright as an angel new dropp’d… At distance I gaze and am awed by… So strangely you dazzle my eye!
Once Pope under Jevais resolvd to… & from a Good Poet Pope turnd… So from a Good Painter Charles J… May turn an ill Poet by living wi… Then Each may perform the true pa…
In the st season of the infant ear… When all from Chaos took their or… When mankind from the hand of heav… All pure & white ere vice had… But evry act with innocence indu’d
How nicely fair Phillis you manag… You neither reproach nor approve h… Just keep him in play wth ye hopes… Not give him enough that you’le lo… Tis tyrrany ruling in love wth suc…
What ancient times (those times we… Have left on long record of woman’… What morals teach it, and what fab… What author wrote it, how that aut… All these I sing. In Greece they…
As Celia with her Sparrow playd She took a glass unseen Her mouth she filld & while he billd She spirts ye liquor in