My days have been so wondrous free… The little birds that fly With careless ease from tree to tr… Were but as bless’d as I. Ask gliding waters, if a tear
As Celia with her Sparrow playd She took a glass unseen Her mouth she filld & while he billd She spirts ye liquor in
How bless’d the man, how fully so, As far as man is bless’d below, Who taking up his cross essays To follow Jesus all his days, With resolution to obey,
As Bacchus ranging at his leisure… (Io Bacchus! king of pleasure) Charm’d the wide world with drink… And all his thousand airy fancies; Alas! he quite forgot the while
How justly art when Cælia aids s… Contends her ms nature to excell The slender needles in that hand c… Such forms as hers but of a better… The silk is placd the winding trac…
Once Pope under Jevais resolvd to… & from a Good Poet Pope turnd… So from a Good Painter Charles J… May turn an ill Poet by living wi… Then Each may perform the true pa…
Mourn widdowd Iland, Mourn, your… Mourn ye unhappy flocks your Shea… Around your grief in dolefull stra… & Lett ym in sad Eccho’s dy a… As sympathising wth their masters…
Hark the thundring Drums inviting All our forward youth to arms Hark the trumpets sounds exciting Manly Soules with fierce alarms Peace affords an Idle pleasure
Look mercyfully down O Lord & wash us from our sinn Cleanse us from wicked deeds witho… from wicked thoughts within Lord I Confess my many sinns
Then do not Cloe do not more Boast what success youve found Tis pride to tell your conquests o… Tis cruelty to wound. These are the ills which Beauty b…
I look & in a moment run The poison thro’ my veins Nor Celia think your self too you… to give me amorous pains When heaven did the Sun create
The things that Mortals love are… & swiftly transient fleet befo… Or if with man a longer while they… Man swiftly transient fleets himse…
’Twas when the night in silent sab… When chearful morning sprung with… When dreams and vapours leave to c… And best the Vision draws its hea… ’Twas then, as slumb’ring on my co…
Health & advice an old acquain… Health & advice, the wish &… Tis fitt I teach the templar how… Who teaches me with temperance to… Be still then murmuring Clients f…
a Nations praise thine ample glory… or let the Nation find its praise…