Oh sleep and rest thy dazzling eye… Nor snore aloud with breath-stinks… Countenance cover’s it or lay stil… Of thy thoughts out bare; stay sti… Claws or brows; Oh now it’s mire,…
My luck changed when I found a qu… A parrot with a blue tail Golden feathers Pointy beak Very moist and incredibly tethered
Why are they dressed in red and wh… A black long fur facing towards th… A gold button parting the blood an… Misery of their own existence, and… To please; they are slow nature of…
How deep Can love Swim Or How
Ann know your moors As people call it anonymous. I love having a special power A super power An uneven power
Nothing is worth writing About until something Is worth reading a…
When you are wealthy: Many shall be your friends and Few shall be your fans and; All will be your death.
I cry blood I cry a very dark red blood I cry I cry to read along the lines I Cry a meaningless tear sometime…
Close your eyes What do you see? Light Or darkness They are as bad as Each other, too
Words cannot say How long i would love to live Words be dear not to say How much i would rather live to fi… Words better not say
I wish i was born in the old days,… Greatly about how they look, when… Work with knowledge that makes the… They all have many sense than one… I wish i was an endowed poet then,…
Love is The easiest Subject To write About Because
All i see is vain The vain of a callous step father The vain of two truthful drunks The vain of a petty elder lady The vain of a mosque shoe thieves
I am A Different Person in Real life,
I see fairness in death than man, as death will show honesty to take… by gender, race, sexuality or rich… and he would ponder to hide when life is so unfaithful to man