For life will fairly drench and We will with no option but famousl…
Words should be plain And simple But always jumping Down in style.
A very good piece does not Wake up In just one rainy day Or perhaps a sunny day If there are no luck, a very good… Might not even rise at all.
A relationship without love is lik… Disco of sex, a music, a carpeted… And army of glitzy light of nothin… But a waste of one’s effort to suc… Perhaps love is easy to frisk
I have seen someone today The same one everyday The one who would chew with mouth… The one who would laugh to every o… The one who learned about love in…
One will fail to believe, if not Seen or perceived, what solemnly; Another heart had muster Precariously, for intent or brief A talent titled grief.
I do no not know why they lie, I do not know why they all loathes… I do not know why they swore to lo… Not all of them, but most of them… —But don’t ever be like them, even…
To love is to risk lonliness To die is to risk life To seek is to risk lost To breath is to risk hope To feel is to risk numbness
The moon should be Cautious of us Because one day we will Be looking Down to her And She shall pledge to us
It will never go or give up, It is a wanted resident Making its way to a
For you to be reading this At this exact time Is not an honor It was meant to be.
A small piece of metal With a shinning light, Visible yet warmth, Seek the dark smoke As it breaths
if you don’t want to do anything but reading, read loud if you don’t want to read and maybe all you want is to eat, eat now,
why do you take years in craving what can’t last?, perhaps a little bit trust may be… that angry gravy eyes you stare wi… burst in horror!,
Writing is like drugs You will never stop wanting more Or trying so hard to see how high…