As may that it is, even though you… Philanderer, Or a disheveled, ruffian, but I c… With the hoard Shouting in loud bars, even though…
Love me with no range; and never p… Through me, love me like a gate an… Cease to open me, love me like a m… Same and exact with no compromise. Love me peacefully like bodies dro…
Love growing could be as Short as a leave that kisses The sun begged to kiss not, It could be a lantern bright But not bright enough to see far,
When Pavarotti plays On a timeless streak And emotions flares To caress lips and Tongues swimming
Many could milk a cow or Learn how to milk a cow and Still obliterate to cluster the st… One take in milking a cow, Multiple could shoot a rifle in ev…
Don’t fret As long as you are still breathing My words will never be short of br…
They are not bragging Or that many I could easily fish them out For now.
Act amazed like it is done in plig… For all that winds care is comfort And delicate bid of sun ray slithe… Through the breast of a pregnant d… Act amazed like its done in plight…
Oh, the moon should be cautious of… The moon should always glance to k… If i am still here, dressed or nak… With all of my conscious sins and… Witnesses; my eyes could blindly e…
All i see is vain The vain of a callous step father The vain of two truthful drunks The vain of a petty elder lady The vain of a mosque shoe thieves
My favorite Kind of people Are poets, Writers But I respect
Words cannot say How long i would love to live Words be dear not to say How much i would rather live to fi… Words better not say
A full moon had shown tonight And its a dynamic of her own beaut… Her own smile and her own personal… What addition could tears bear whe… Feelings are idle and uncomprehend…
The blind goose with a solemn hear… White, pure and goes on and on and… But without the trails of the rest… All she ever sees was darkness, Darkness –this long parable and na…
THE ADVENTUROUS THREE by steven le poet Play with the pebble or a rattlesn… Rattlesnake– rattlesnake Play with the pebble or a rattlesn…