

My mom wanted me to work after high school.  Work.  Full-time for a piece of paper, that determines how successful I am in life.  What the fuck am I doing?  Dad had a son at fifteen.  They called him out of freshmen anatomy class over the loudspeaker and said “Roach your son is being born in medical center”.  He obviously learned a lot in that class, but it was the last one he ever attended.  He had three kids after that and he only knows three; aren’t we lucky?  My dad worked at K-Mart in the jewelry section until he got caught stealing gold to buy diapers.  Now, he works security…My mom is a waitress.  Both scrubbed toilets at one point in their life and threw their hands down the drain like their relationship.  Dad moved on; mom didn’t.  Dad was a rolling stone: that fucking phrase is cliché and stupid, but he was what he was, always hard and kept moving.  He moved to the country.  Mom moved to a basement.  Noting makes them feel more alive than wishing the other one was dead.


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