
Judges of Perfection

Change every commercial and tear up any magazine/ that portrays an image of what a human being has to be.

The “skinny is perfect” riff raff/ no meat on a six pack/ and if you have a keg its a mishap/ because if you’re this fat you can’t shop as his GAP.

Change your beauty perceptions/ instead of creating weight class sections/ as if weight makes some less than the next men.

Because in this society weight and beauty are in two different categories/ and when they mix it generates the saddest stories.

Stories like: “oh he’s cute for a fat guy” it happens/ and that translates to: he’s cute, but fat so he shouldn’t be attractive.  

And I think its a shame/ that everyone has that one fat friend that they identify as that one fat friend by adding “big” in front of his name.

As if we want to be constantly reminded that out shirt has more X’s/ and that skinny jeans are something I cant fit my legs in.  

Middle finger to skinny jeans/ nothing is skinny about me so my jeans will never be!

Our society can be hurtful/ how many times did you see an over weight model on a Calvin Klien commercial?

I’ll wait...

Or a heavy set celebrity that was tortured for/ the fact he couldn’t lose his rolls in order  to get offered more.  

Or the kids at school getting ragged on every second/ people do not realize that words are a weapon/ kids violently shoving fingers down their throat to gain acceptance/ to be perfect in the public eye, but the public eye is infected.

People forcing themselves to throw up until they’re on empty/ because living life hefty/ I just wanted people to ACCEPT me not EXCEPT me.

I know what its like to feel it/  I know what its like to hear it/ I know what its like to try and be fearless/ looking in the mirror like “how can I conceal this.  Maybe I should forget when my next meal is because I really hate my physical appearance.  Beach weather is right around the corner coming real quick, and swimming with a shirt on they’ll think I’m a real dick.  I’m starting to feel sick”/ and that’s the realness.

I lost over one hundred pounds and its pitiful/ that I still wont take off my shirt in public in fear that I’ll get ridiculed.  

I may never know what that’s like and that may seem stupid/ but that is something a heavy person dreams of doing.

But, because of commercials, magazines, mirrors, words, and TV/ I used to think that it wasn’t okay to be me.  

And now I’m embarrassed/ but for the first time not because of my fatness/ because the judges of perfection tried to mold me into one of them and I ALMOST let it happen.

On day I looked in the mirror, took off my shirt, and said “I’m chubby”/ but when I was three hundred and forty pounds people loved me, and now that I’m two hundred and sixteen pounds people still love me/ so why the hell would I let a selected few judge me?

Trust me...

They do/ but all that matters is that you love you.

So, don’t look at magazines, TV, and commercials/ and don’t let the words of society hurt you.

Because if you love you their words are invalid/  pizza is fucking awesome, let them eat salad.


This was meant for a spoken word, so reading may be a little hard to follow. Hope you all enjoy it.

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