
Call Me, Maybe?

Call Me, Maybe?
You cry out for attention
And of course you get it.
You call and she comes running.
You’re her life line that cuts into my time.
She pushes your buttons,
And you love every minute of it.
In subtle laughs or violent voices
Talking about mindless choices
Mutual feeling we both collide in annoyance.
But it’s sad.
I lend her an ear. She doesn’t even have to return it.
I’m here.
And slowly I’m learning
That you’re an inanimate object that she vents to
You bring people thousands of miles away closer
I’m in arms distance
Wanting a minor fraction of the attention you get.
Call me, maybe?
Every call is another brick in this wall.
I’m afraid as these bricks build we will lose our reception.
And you will realize my line was never connected.
They call, you answer.
I get sent to voicemail.
A call for help
Ignore button.
Brick by brick
Long distance plan
As your circle gets wider this wall gets higher
I’m tired…and I
Lost service, mom.


As you can tell, I'm not a fan of phones.

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