poem about how sometimes you really just can't force your poems out.
A sudden rain flux A faintly calling whisper To turn off eyelids Yet I cannot shake my dream For just another hour
Seasonal ill’n Ado, ado, soft achoos Cool wind seeps through me
I guess it’s about that time again time for another pointless relapse Time, like a dusty album record Spinning, around and around on end I want the needle to break or veer…
Delicate surprise From behind blind-folded eyes That glint of glitter Sprinkle, sprinkle, floating down We reach out, we grasp, we drink
Distractions of youth Parade like bright spring flowers Always on the mind Entangling my weak heart To the land of mud and ice
Fresh Seattle rain Cleanser more of soul than streets I envy that sound Such simple pure harmony Don’t forget that umbrella!
To cover the tears Some men will drown their sorrows Some just run away Some even will board their hearths To me? A path of rom-com
Tiny flashing lights Figures entwine together Closer and closer ‘closer than ever’ they say Beside our computer screens
Bickering tree frogs Endless croaking back and forth Dream a soothing song One where two branches can meet In this capital forest
Anticipation Generic butterflies swarm Twists, knots, fluttering They find no golden nectar Only number two pencils
The darkest of nights It is on these nights I turn To these keys, clicking Fervently beyond reason Behind safely shadowed doors
I pray for the day When my mind is clear Silence, sweet silence Schemes and impulses forgone To live without a shadow
To hide in plain sight Something we all yearn for, but Our differences Do not belong in the mud For mud cannot be polished
初めては いつも苦しい 二回には?
Foggy morning sky Your veil remains untouched by The flags of Autumn How cruel of you to kidnap Such keen keepsakes of your kin