poem about how sometimes you really just can't force your poems out.
初めては いつも苦しい 二回には?
A sudden rain flux A faintly calling whisper To turn off eyelids Yet I cannot shake my dream For just another hour
My Grandfather’s last dream In a deep sea of white, heavy thun… Until a peaceful respite blinks What will it bring? Will the rain… With their piercing showers, will…
Howling and wailing Like the vast October winds Delightful to find Many who share the same chord Sing till frogs jump in our throat…
The mind of a girl That swirling vertex of bright Is unreachable So we put up these steel walls When we could have built a bridge!
The words are muffled and shifting… The pounding won’t stop, the fraye… I hold onto a thread, a little blu… The tension is mine; it is a pain… Frenzied energy drains from my fin…
Anticipation Generic butterflies swarm Twists, knots, fluttering They find no golden nectar Only number two pencils
Such sweet aroma Breathe in the color deeply Exhale precious wafts Crisp Citric spiral peelings, Fill my compost disposal
Life’s obligations A daunting sea of turmoil With crest after crest I’ll hide in this briny shell Till the tide forgets my name
The spotlight glares down Bright, bright, sight, sight My cloak swiftly surrounds White, White, Swish, Swish, The fabric shell billows but stays
Ask me who he is A tall tree and branches keen words drop; leaves shaken I try to collect them all But forget them by the stream
Seasonal ill’n Ado, ado, soft achoos Cool wind seeps through me
Flickering between The realms of light and shadow Why not close the shades? Sleep’s alluring charm welcomes Despite such early hours!
To hide in plain sight Something we all yearn for, but Our differences Do not belong in the mud For mud cannot be polished
To puddle one’s words Few are willing to admit Myself least of all To fall and land upon earth Closer to Earth than before?