I guess it’s about that time again
time for another pointless relapse
Time, like a dusty album record
Spinning, around and around on end
I want the needle to break or veer off the track
Beyond the repetition
Beyond the flow and motion of natural time and order
Breaking the cycle
Breaking the crest of the wave
But Time doesn’t listen to empty wishes
Or even wishes full of hope and virtue
The strong may battle the flow, but they can never command it
The weak may give into the flow, but they can never complete it
A river of vast unbound totality
Yet still it is quiet and ordered
It turns and descends but always returns right back
Back to a starting source
This makes me wonder,
Why do we believe in Time?
time and time again we believe
What is this ugly, gullible feature we humans possess?
Yet even so I will search for the tears of joy within the mist
And the subtle whispers in the wind
To bathe my heart in those waters and wrap my soul in those zephyrs
For Time is not some scientific law
For it is beyond our reasoning
Although we cannot see its direction with our eyes,
And although our repeated actions quite often seem meaningless in a bigger scheme,
There is always a chance for a different result
Something unplanned, something new and exciting
And if I should ever reach that turning point in Time,
You’ll be the first to know