Everybody writes love songs and poems don't they? Even when they have no one to write to.
Delicate surprise From behind blind-folded eyes That glint of glitter Sprinkle, sprinkle, floating down We reach out, we grasp, we drink
The darkest of nights It is on these nights I turn To these keys, clicking Fervently beyond reason Behind safely shadowed doors
To grasp at the root This longing for the seasons Hidden deep, deep down To say it’s just “Natural,” Would only scratch the leaf-tops
Fresh Seattle rain Cleanser more of soul than streets I envy that sound Such simple pure harmony Don’t forget that umbrella!
Twelve in numbered spin Once reaching double digits Feel the crisp brisk sweeps Sudden gentle remainders Subtle breath of orange array
A blank white tablet Fuzzy buzzing silences Click, click, click, and yet That single black divider keeps Blinking an endless cycle
A stone for a head A dauntingly fragile nose Sudden convulsions To lay my head down in peace My vestigial heart begs
Just for a moment To glimpse from dusty pages A single white flash Tenuous seconds follow Until a roaring reply
I pray for the day When my mind is clear Silence, sweet silence Schemes and impulses forgone To live without a shadow
Five points to this as stated thus… Five; to pick up things once falle… Four; to grasp all things from wir… Three; to greet, to cheat, and din… Two; to bind wild lovers with gold…
Is there something dark? Dark, dark, deep down inside me Something that keeps me Away from the center ring A divergent path indeed
Such sweet aroma Breathe in the color deeply Exhale precious wafts Crisp Citric spiral peelings, Fill my compost disposal
Flickering between The realms of light and shadow Why not close the shades? Sleep’s alluring charm welcomes Despite such early hours!
Foggy morning sky Your veil remains untouched by The flags of Autumn How cruel of you to kidnap Such keen keepsakes of your kin
I guess it’s about that time again time for another pointless relapse Time, like a dusty album record Spinning, around and around on end I want the needle to break or veer…