And if it snowed and snow covered… he took a spade and tossed it to o… And always tucked his daughter up… And slippered her the one time tha… And every week he tipped up half h…
love a love of life the all all life on planet earth
apple tree garden a sliver space inside a tiny time skinnier than a billionth of a sec… a world vaguely a dot in the Van… under a starry night there a morta…
Voodoos And into the night As you lay awake scheming Comes a jolt you jumped Words come out
Love again: wanking at ten past th… (Surely he’s taken her home by now… The bedroom hot as a bakery, The drink gone dead, without showi… To meet tomorrow, and afterwards,
Lust for Life One by one by one Under dreary darkened sky Waves come break ashore Groundswell across the ocean
Silent Eyes Gently we lie down Not a word any spoken Silent eyes we smiled . . .
Dream Statues “Give me your...” Castles in the
“Martinis are the only American i… H. L. Mencken *** stirred sonnet a perfect quatrain if there ever w…
Free Breakfast Hotels Hot Cocoa Walks Out Exactly the picture in my dream th… The early risers gone now less cro… Got a dining booth for four for tw…
Eternity Songs of Cicadas Life the path to death Mortal beings eternal souls Death the path to life
I resent your faith Who ever said that I myself? I didn’t have faith much til this… Thanks to all this
Beach Day Summery balmy soothing late fall a… Not a speck of cloud best time to… Waiting for a sweetheart blushing… Enjoy the moment the reddish sun s…
A serpent moves with painted grace Its gilded scales in sunlight glea… Yet venom pools in dark embrace A silent threat beneath the sheen— Its tongue may flick with charm’s…
first flight beautiful to see from a seasons garden nest a poet fly out ***
Scatterghost, it can’t float away. And the rain, everybody’s brother, won’t help. And the wind all these… flying like ten crazy sisters ever…
Faith Accept Accept Fall in to the monkey mind Of the moment
Unfountainhead Them fountainheads! Betrothed Keating was webbed enta… Was caught by art critic Toohey t… End ego supreme Roark’s new visio…
Gentle Kiss Love me keep me to the end of time… Wrap me into your soul shine in me… Entwine me within your purple myst… Sole to head flesh to flesh wave l…
We spent many years, a lot of time building a future that alas we found is giving us a very limited amount of return on investment. We are presented with a short life in the future we d...
Day by day I float my paper boats… In bid black letters I write my n… I hope that someone in some strang… I load my little boats with shiuli… I launch my paper boats and look u…
Desinformémonos hermanos tan objetivamente como podamos desinformémonos con unción y sobre todo con disciplina
Doom is dark and deeper than any s… Upon what man it fall In spring, day-wishing flowers app… Avalanche sliding, white snow from… That he should leave his house,
A Smile in the Cave All part and parcel it was The way of life in the cave As is always acceptance What is laid down before you
love and peace ...there is no peace in force. lov… force begets force not peace
Until We Meet Again Beyond the Rainbow We believe. We have faith. We pray.
Wrong Prairie, Cowboy Snakeriver Range Listen to the trail Down the stream Spur a dream
Nth pht Psst! Shh... Psst! Shh... Psst! Tsktsk. Phpht. Tsktsk. Pht! Grr brr grr brr... Pfft! ***
Sun Air . . . Warm Air season long Now cold breezes suddenly Thermal hugs kindling
The things that make a soldier gre… To face the flaming cannon’s mouth… Are lilacs by a little porch, the… The peonies and pansies, too, the… The grass plot where his children…
becoming whispered by the sea breeze the valley of the fireflies by the… where the emerald tapestry of history beckons a sanctuary
You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your kn… for a hundred miles through the de… You only have to let the soft anim… love what it loves.
choose love life is fragile and short lived like a blade of grass emerging lush at sunrise soaking in the sun enough energy to last the day
Hers is the clean apron, good for… Or lamp to embroider, as we talk s… In the long kitchen, while the whi… Turns to pastry in the great oven, Sweetly and surely as hay making
Tau Alpha Stands Tall ...and then the pathway marked surgical incised in campus Diliman there the Tau Alpha
Our shells clacked on the plates. My tongue was a filling estuary, My palate hung with starlight: As I tasted the salty Pleiades Orion dipped his foot into the wat…
America Can’t Breathe This is the Big Apple I am an entrepreneur Just selling cigarettes on the sid… Please I can’t breathe
October Bear American Dream American Dream Fall rise volatile Wall Street You scheme drool and scream
My stick fingers click with a snic… And, chuckling, they knuckle the k… Light-footed, my steel feelers fli… And pluck from these keys melodies… My paper can caper; abandon
If I were called in To construct a religion I should make use of water. Going to church Would entail a fording
La anestesia me introduce en una p… me recompensa con una borrachera d… no la mía / otra infancia / la que… me brinda un perro fiel que corre… y vuelve a mí con un crucifijo ent…
time capsule reckoned eons span seasons history births deaths anniversaries stars rise set rise set again
My family went to Tagaytay on a sunny day. From our hotel, all four of us down the slope we gingerly go. Farther down there it was a small single outrigger boat waiting for us. Clear bl...
Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk I ought to make. They said it should be something suitable to youth-something didactic, instructive, or somethi...
And another regrettable thing abou… is the ceasing of your own brand o… which took a whole life to develop… the quips, the witticisms, the sla… adjusted to a few, those loved one…
Cotton Candy Sky Tsunami Sky tsunami swirls
Lamb’s Book Of Life The grim reaper there at the door At all times 24/7, evil stoic Sa… He knows all humans are mortal wil… Sooner later they die sooner bette…
Ash Valentines A Gift On Fools Day One among us sublime in His Fathe… The forbidden fruit Medusa in the… Gave us the light the Redeemer th…
Those long uneven lines Standing as patiently As if they were stretched outside The Oval or Villa Park, The crowns of hats, the sun
Quiet Morn Woke up early strange Noon to late my normal time Something quite insane Did not hear bush birds singing
spring forward feet blanket under hour forward a hint of spring warm air still yonder cold howling winds on the way
¡Como en el alto llano tu figura se me aparece!... Mi palabra evoca el prado verde y la árida llanura, la zarza en flor, la cenicienta ro… Y al recuerdo obediente, negra enc…
If I were a voice, a persuasive v… That could travel the wide world t… I would fly on the beams of the mo… And speak to men with a gentle mig… And tell them to be true.
Everyone thinks that I have gone… They also keep their distance from… They say that love has paralyzed m… Nonsense. I knew he left to meet… I saw his death in battle in a dre…
God’s Poetry I read poetry hear colors touch sh… Glory I behold mine ears caressed… Incense scented waves of auroras d… Rainbow wheel like jelly fish in s…
I see old people on pensions in th… supermarkets and they are thin and… proud and they are dying they are starving on their feet an… nothing. long ago, among other lie…
My fancies are fireflies, — Specks of living light twinkling in the dark. he voice of wayside pansies, that do not attract the careless g…
Has the funeral ended? or has it just began. Its okay i wanted to stop by just… its dim in here perfect for hiding… oh, i didnt know her well
Heart Eternal To You I Give The red striped white heart with r… To you I give The Hallmark Valentines fold out…
fall grandeur awaits where can the pleasure farther be than where my eyes are what I see where aesthetic lies and adventure cries