Nelson D Reyes

In the moment

“...pluck the day...”

In the moment
         “...pluck the day...”

We spent many years, a lot of time building a future that alas we found is giving us a very limited amount of return on investment. We are presented with a short life in the future we dreamt about-to enjoy a good time, the good life, and if lucky to see the day our great grandkids enjoy their weddings. We found ourselves saying in the autumn of our life that life is short. Hearing it said even in every celebration of life event we sadly had attended, increasingly made known to us that indeed life is so flittingly short literally within less than a space of a second in the kingdom of the universes.

To this I can heartfully say-enjoy the time however short it is that’s left for us to live. Every new day is a blessing, a miracle even. Nothing we can do to avert the passing of time. A million different things can happen between the twilights of the day. Welcome every bit of it with a smile with open arms for this is precisely the good life we dreamed of-a blessing to get the chance to see a sunrise one more time that’s been there for us all our life, there for ages to begin our day giving us the time building for the future, making a reality of our dream of a beautiful life... making it possible to see a wonderful setting sun... infusing in us a sustaining energy for the unknown... as it fades into dusk...

...and so life goes on one breath at a time for all being on this paradise earth the third rock from the sun... staying in the moment... like the earth has done for eternity with our star... mindful every turn of a new dawn... every orbit around the purveyor of life... likewise we are with every single breath of life taken and exhaled... mindful of our surroundings in the now... in the moment... mindful that past is past... the last breath taken is a past event... the last dawn seen was the last... the last sunset was the last... the next breath is unknown for there is no knowing what the future is... we know nothing about the future Socrates holds... indeed the next breath is a miracle no one can fathom... as a dreamer, I simply take it as a gift to sustain the succeeding breaths... a reflection of the continuum of life said in the sacred books of different religions as well as from communities secular and beliefs of many gurus or influencers– poets and philosophers past and present-and their followers... life goes on one breath at a time... a blessing a gift i hold dearly... we hold dearly...

Yes the future may depend on what you do today still there is no telling exactly what will come out from what you did. A million things can happen between today and the next day. We only have today to account for, to accept. We do our best to make most of it. That day becomes yesterday... tomorrow may or may not come... so dance with your gods and your chosen evils... dance life fully in the moment... knowing fully well there is no next moment... pluck the day. All ages, all creations “Carpe diem”...poet Horace advises “enjoy life while we can”.

Wishing you, yes you my dear friend visiting me, a happy in the moment time! Grateful I thank you. May Helios nourish you at all times. Enjoy your moment. I love you.


©ndr 10.05.2023
Photo: at the farm sunrise in Durham NC by my son

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