Nelson D Reyes

cool colors not far behind

...hot days of summer on the wane...goddess Aura breezing in cool air...

cool colors not far behind
life is a whirlwind
eyes open at dawn
close in a wink at dark
valentine’s not too long ago
here we are in midpoint of summer
golden sand summer sand
wind swept water swept
at ocean’s shore piling into dunes
into dune fields of august
beach nights with friends
blankets of happiness spread
talking joyful times repeated tales
watching the moon seemingly dodging
and dancing with clouds thick and thin
we socialize we tell stories
we listen to stories we laugh
we see around people
part of the world we live in
along with the passage of time we think
we can’t do anything anymore
somehow not seeing what is or is not
sadly judging ourselves
let go is least we can do as we age
embrace seeing ourselves
accepting of things as they are
at one with nature... peaceful we’ll be
spread before us today
the first day of August
high heat all over the land
but with the waning crescent
moon comes goddess Aphrodite
hopes for prosperity at sunset
as the month heads toward
a super blue moon ushering in
the full harvest moon of September
a goat horn of abundance a new day
hot days of summer on the wane indeed
goddess Aura breezing in the cool air
cool colors of nature not far behind yes
yonder still the season of joy’s wonderland
©ndr 08.01.2024
Photo: Unsplash

...waning hot days into cool colors of fall...

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