Upending San Miguel
Good does not always win...poem by guest poet Jess Gopez
The angel has the upper hand
No question about it
Sword high about to smite
Truimphant over it all
The demon prostrate
Arms and hands poor shields
Almost in the flames
Trembling under it all
Now they are even
Angel and demon are level
The battle is not done
Not a one over it all
The angel steps back
Sword still high
The demon is flying
The fight’s not over at all
The angel falls now
Inverted, struggling
The devil bearing down
Is it over at all?
Beware the perils
Drink makes you merry
But if it’s all you can carry
It could be over after all.
©Jess Gopez, guest poet-a fraternity Brod, Tau Alpha Fraternity
Photo: San Miguel online