Nelson D Reyes

Cold Moons

The Earthworms Appear

Cold Moons
         The Earthworms Appear
And now I see golden leaves of harvest moon
Streaked with crimson pale greenish bright yellow
The play of colors as the sun rises and the sun sets
Arching bowing south cold moons not far behind
The grayish sky cutting a thin line silver gleam
To an emerald pinkish seemingly calm sea
A cooling backstage curtain closed prelude
Heralding a dark season to come to prepare for
To a long third act tying together a wholesale mess
Debris cleaning of the mind put back lives upended
By the sweet looking beast-hiding puffy cloud vortices
That sashayed through the paradise warm waters of the seas
A gathering intermission of sustaining warmth
Like kindred love of the clustering naked emperors
Facing a crisis from the coming blustering winter gales
Scenes now not unique outside their home Antarctica
An audacious one act play with multi-sub-acts humans
Build houses abodes with views of their souls’ desires
A nest like a robin’s built with love and layer protected
Carefully thought out against unforeseen events
Ah... how humans build... caves like nests... nests like castles
Rock solid foundations squatter on piers sans irons even
Peacock wing glass facades rainbow ceramic brick walls
Testaments to long held beliefs a far cry from earthworm’s burrows
Much as God gave birth to bountiful fauna and flora
Canopied with sun seeking forests Earth abounds with joy
Benevolent God’s gifts exceedingly generous to all beings
Alas... the forces of nature are part of God’s creation as well
A bond once again is upon us this coming cold moons
As we look straight to the howling winds pliant trees we see
A moment of hope we grasp that we remain resilient also
Through it all till the Earth tilts again and the joyful earthworms appear
...Once more
                                         * * *
Photo:Public Domain - a pair of loving earthworms, a picture of joy as they emerged from their abode upon the first whiff of fresh spring air when all the cold moons are gone.
Video: ndr Fly me to the Moon/guitar Vadim

We are in the middle of an intense 2017 hurricane season just as the fall equinox is upon us and the Season of Joy on the flip side of the Halloween. And yes, Winter Solstice is harking back as well. Quite a difficult Autumn of 2017 to say the least - hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, fires, earthquakes. It wouldn't be too much to ask and not a bit too soon that we see the Earthworms appear...again.

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