Nelson D Reyes

Celestial seduction

...moon goddess Selene entices Sun Helios...for a brief happy moment...

                      Celestial seduction
Space immortals of light
Come together like before
Eternally from chaos darkness
Fiery explosions of gaseous rocks
Scattered where they move today
Ages honed their orbital appearances
Scenes of wonder repeated for eternity
Tapestries of embroidered sequined sky
Competing in the universes of space
Entertain sing praises among themselves
And other sky objects happened to exist
Dark or bright in the vast cosmos of ether
Mother Nature in Milky Way tending the
Of the banished children of Eve
  ...a paradise called earth
Our own space illumined by sky jewels
The immortals Selene and Helios
In one celestial moment
A seduction singular in allure
A union mystically grand in scale
A space romance of our time...
Mankind can only dream of...
Come together to kiss... breathtaking
Their shadow a mystical power
Lend an aura of spiritual oneness
As sun crescents multiply shower
Darken planet earth in a quaint
Curious way that nearby stars gleefully
Flickering dancing candle like in awe
Blood red corona circles El Sol
As La Luna captures and rings around him
Sashaying through the path of love naked
The earthlings ecstatic in trance
  zombie like look past the universes
...all this as the roosters are crowing
...the bees stopped buzzing
...the birds quieted for a midday avian
...the birds and the bees under the sheets
...seeding little birdies in time to tweet
   one day
...ah... what a goddess can do to a god
...a brief celestial bodies affair can get an
  old rooster crow cockpit like flexing wings
...on cue bats unhung flew out the cave confused nowhere to go
...owls all sorts echo far their choral hoots
...the meadows listening to crickets concert
...mountains stood still like stone sphinxes
  stoic calm accepting all good and bad
  things come and go letting Selene and  Helios having
a go at it
Alas... life continues to carry-on the       mundane after a brief sky love delight
...not a bit too soon after  La Luna releases El Sol from her grip
...and the sun slowly becomes whole again
...moon composed gets herself together    with a Mona Lisa smile “...want more    next time...?”
...the earth recycles... dreams of the next    celestial romance...
...maybe more “I do’s” said in more places
...perhaps more miracles and rockets    under the sheets...
...more auras of spiritualism... touches of    paganism... laughters ...tears...    friendships rekindled... history recounted
...outright enjoyment of midday night a    coming together for a happy moment
...a celestial seduction of our collective    gloom giving us a rarefied delightful    moment
...yes... only for a brief moment... a    happiness we always long for...
©ndr 04.09.2024
Photo: ndr Durham NC

...moon goddess Selene encircles her lover Helios
makes him a crescent sun then rings him with a red blood the delight of planet earth...

photo...crescent Helios image on an oak tree in my backyard in Durham NC...

...the poem has passages of the 1955 total solar eclipse in Manila - a one long event that lent to natural nocturnal activities of the night denizens...

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