Nelson D Reyes

Heaven Forbid!

A rejoinder to Robert L. Martin’s treatise on the Texas mass killings “Guns of the Ostracized “ and “Influential Guidance “

                        Heaven Forbid!

Sound judgment aka common sense has long been gone in the government sector of the US of A. The Federal, State and Local levels. As well as in the Academia. And I do not expect for it to make a come back anytime soon certainly not in my lifetime (few years remaining) nor anytime in the near or far future unless the kind of savage polarized partisanship currently going on in the country’s political arena, and social media for that matter, reaches a lull / moratorium and the leadership or the leaders and the population that support them come to their senses and exercise or engage in real nonpartisan discussions of issues, legislations, decisions and actions that will benefit the country at large. I am totally generalizing here and maybe naive in my outlook but look no further than any of the media outlets out there screaming “USA is at a standstill” on about any issues put forward by the competing parties-the Dems and the GOPs.

I fear for all the children in America who are in school– how they are processing the massacres, that come periodically, of their peers and the much younger ones-killed en masse in a classroom. A mass shooting taken to a level of unparalleled insanity. Not to mention the disorientation of their parents, the anxieties, helplessness, their families’ fears. It’s hard to imagine how they could cope or even ever they can– the children, their families and those who love them. Maintaining strength is an understatement.

Love seems to be a distant answer, seems to be an empty abstraction coming from the powers that be who do nothing but dish out nonsense talks every time a heinous tragedy like this one in Texas happens.

For heaven’s sake, let common sense get back to the populace at large and most importantly to the leaders they elected. Let us hope they pursue nonpartisan legislations, actions that clearly will be beneficial to the public and the country, most importantly items directly related to the safety of the school children, specifically concerning guns and all that is linked to the current provisions acquiring ownership of these murderous weapons.

This has been advocated many times over and unfortunately not heeded many times over as well by the authorities in the government, the gun lobbyists and the public. Without missing a step government officials spout love and concern and talks reach a high pitch during mass shooting occurrences. Idiotic– stupid dialogues always pop up on cue.

Yes hope springs eternal and is still there inside Pandora’s box. But we need more than hope. And we need more than love. We need ACTION once and for all and the time is NOW if we are serious in saving the lives and the future of our children who are the future of our country; if we need them to be mentally and emotionally  free of fear entering the doors of a place that is supposed to be their safe refuge outside of their homes; if we want them to be mentally healthy.

The time is NOW if we are serious to free them from being a hostage in a place they fully expect, a second nature to come out alive and be with their family after a full day of school activities.

Mass killings of children seem now embedded in the social fabric of a once great country where the American Dream was a sought after journey to a better life, an icon phrase of a civilized society where children are protected and raised to make their dreams really do come true.

Only one word sticks in my mind– “why?”

Is mass murder now emblematic of the American society? As American as Apple Pie? Heaven forbid! Heaven forbid that the American families have to endure more tragedies every now and then!


Photo: rawpixel

Mass killings is not as American as Apple pie! Enough! STOP IT!

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