Mandy Leah

Snow Storms

I was running
To catch the horse
In the snow
From the bus
I jumped into
The closet
Of shoes
When a strange man
Opened the door
& said come with us
Dance naked & be free
As my father
Screamed, No!
I entered
The classroom
& was protected
From the rays
Of light by a friend
I sat by the window
Where a stranger
Stared next to me
He smoothly slid
His hand to my thigh
Over my beautiful
White dress
Moving it upward
Was it fear
Or pleasure
That kept me there?
He became rough
& I smiled
Then he said something
Which I caught
While I glimpsed
In the rear view mirror
At his face
Imagine what
Our children
Would look like
The only trouble is
Do you believe
In religion?
I took a deep
Look into
His eyes
As they turned
To a glowing red
And then he disappeared
Leaving me
Only to
My thoughts

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