Pains, veins The crying god Souls lost forever to hell Tortured and tormented All is not well
This morning I’ve woke awoke with almost
Today my day to do anything I wanted
I search for the everlasting circle the diamond on my ring the prize
Nothing quite brings me back to you like remembering that you’re there this is all
I ran my fingers Over my tight skin It felt warm And sticky As I traveled
Little fishy, in your bowl trapped by the glass that holds your water - your life so like my body
Guy - Scorpio tattoo, birth sign?
The Lunatic, The Lover, The Poe… I have so many feelings sometimes just bursting to get out The lunatic –sometimes I get ahea… of myself, I wish I could stop
As the smoke lingered on her lips she wondered....of her lover where his words true? Did he mean the things he spoke of… Could it be real, could it be true…
I really am happy I know what I want & where I want to go Never have I thought that before,,,
OHHHH!!! I’m so past this girl caring I’m in this limbo
When I asked him If he could or would ever love, substance he replied I don’t know
You want to see me I know you do better do something
So hot... So cold... Open up, Then close down tight Can I really hear...