The darkness creeps inside me like tiny ripples in the sea slowly
Theory: Everything must be comple… Hypothesis: Everything must make… Conclusion: We are tiny circles… Truth: There are no sides to a ci… “We are tiny circles searching for…
Sexy machine pumping iron yet knew how to breathe worldly
Not sure why it is the way it is at the moment The first time I saw him he wears a red bandanna
Slipping into a safety net of a lovers arms once again bring fear am I ready to step
I could trust you but you won’t let me It’s easier to not care than it is to care The load has just
Everyone needs My love He needed My love So I gave it
There was Something So surreal About Washing
I watch you Do you see me Following with my eyes Handsome, tall With a vampires grin
I ran my fingers Over my tight skin It felt warm And sticky As I traveled
Amazing chemistry = two souls that dance, in absolute sync together, that’ s perfection if I’ve ever wanted it...
I am a chamelon lived experienced so much
He’s right.. why do I feel the need to help to save them? The needy
Thump, Thump How do Know this
I’ve died A thousand Times already