This wonderful feeling you’ve left me with I’m a stranger to this comfort Yet I miss you,
Riding fast she paid no attention broken mirrors it wasn’t there it was in the half left shield she noticed, it was her, it was her face, deep lines
I am finally free Of my cage Open to the world Ready to set sail No excuses
I just want to get back let me
Something exciting was about to happen I could feel it like energy running all through my body
How many are not worthy of the beauty disposable beings some lifeless soul drives by me
You want to see me I know you do better do something
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
Heat, hate flowed over Like a fever I felt it in waves Like that of the ocean The tears dripped
Thinking of you is always part of my day Wishing you were here there is so much I want to say
The bottle(s) told me the story I’m gonna save you the time
This morning I’ve woke awoke with almost
The sand felt like ice cream On my naked toes The water splashed My brown legs With vicious, furious force
OHHHH!!! I’m so past this girl caring I’m in this limbo
Everyone needs My love He needed My love So I gave it