I have to find... what is it that I wish to find... (bartender another) I see the bottom
2 sticks that couldn’t rub without a match my hearts empty
Even though I know I probably won’t Be able To read That... tomorrow...
I’m free call me what you want but
Amazing chemistry = two souls that dance, in absolute sync together, that’ s perfection if I’ve ever wanted it...
The darkness creeps inside me like tiny ripples in the sea slowly
Your cold shoulder feels like ice are you willing to sacrifice I remember that song
Let’s get real... The strangers that look like brothers & sister on the end of the bar...
Alone she sits with her shoulders against the sky pondering
OHHHH!!! I’m so past this girl caring I’m in this limbo
I was someplace Long ago Small town It’s all black & white They’re going
SUNLIGHT... In fields of butterflies, that’s w… where energy collides like the col… and rain falls like satin sheets moving lightly, rhythmically down…
I felt a hand squeeze me tight then I saw your eyes they glistened in the summer sun I remember the way you looked the way you smiled
Darkness surrounded me and I felt nothing and that was the reality everything was moving around me and none of it mattered
I’m not sure that anything is different but I am