No pido disculpas Por escribir Lo que siento Lo que llevo adentro Lo que vivo
How do you describe A man so dramatic? You can recognize him From afar with his hat Always the gentleman
Blonde eyes To match her hair Life is mean She counts her blessings Hopes for the best
If I was in a beauty pageant My talent would be 'Lefty who writes upside-down’ Beside the contestant Who burps her ABC’s
When we are young we strive to be cool with our clothes and the way we move and our friends with swag as adults though our friends be co…
A joke Lost in Translation You will Never
Yo te amo Tres palabras Que solucionen todo Para la mujer Tan complicada
My objective is selfish Not to share or be heard To get it out and move on No one seems to hear my pain No one seems to feel my pain
I find richness In the mixture In what others disdain Young people lost Between two cultures
Rough day Rough night If I could live In my bath Water would never
I cannot let you hold my happiness For your hand to caress or to drop It is not healthy It is not safe For your happiness to depend on an… I’m taking it back but no longer r…
Escogí las palabras Más adecuadas Por lo que yo Quería decir Abrí la boca
Left on a leash Is no way to live He disappeared I like to imagine He’s running in a field
If I could draw a tree In all it’s complexity Would you be impressed? If I could draw a human face It would be but a trace
Well-intentioned stranger Eyeing me limp through HEB Why would you ask If I stepped on a nail? How do you know