Are you ever tired Of just being you? Did you ever Want to be Someone new?
Hospitality To love a stranger It need not be much For one who has little Will appreciate it
Why can’t I choose to be somewhere in the middle? Surrounded by extremes Measure everything With a grain of salt
Restless As I lay in bed Trying to fall asleep These are my clues I might be low
Antisocial tendencies Amplified by sickness I can people watch Yet I can’t people talk I am lonely
Your pain is far away I hear it But I do not feel it Move closer Let me know you’re here to stay
If I was in a beauty pageant My talent would be 'Lefty who writes upside-down’ Beside the contestant Who burps her ABC’s
The E’s squeak by The I’s are too excited The U’s come after Q But the A’s and the O’s They flow
Down to earth I am but of dust Dust particles I see floating in the air Carbon molecules
Don’t talk down to me I am not a child! Even children Deserve respect
The teenage rebels All fall in line Be they hippies Goths, rockers or skaters Moving from one mould
If you find someone That can do it Better than you Get them on your team
Left on a leash Is no way to live He disappeared I like to imagine He’s running in a field
Why do we love sunsets? Distinguishing fascination What other species Must stop and stare A romantic couple
Itchy It has to come off Nerves Makes me pick His look