Escogí las palabras Más adecuadas Por lo que yo Quería decir Abrí la boca
The news hit me Like a punch in the gut I threw up two times From the pain Knowing that I
Why do we love sunsets? Distinguishing fascination What other species Must stop and stare A romantic couple
I had it all In my head And then I said Words I do not know which ones
Manos fuertes No me sueltan De la cama Yo les digo Me tengo que ir
Springtime means Berry pickin’ In warm sun Therapeutic Part of me
Bags full of diapers Cars waiting in line Smell coming from the load Ashamed it was mine He noticed my insulin pump
Does it hurt? When you prick your finger No I do this just for fun Our fingers lose feeling
Tomorrow Has not yet come It’s promises yet to be broken Tomorrow Is bigger
May sun is warm An old friend You have missed June sun Still smiles
Itus and Itis Crashed my party I didn’t invite them! I whisper to my sister They make my skin crawl
I look away Afraid to see Flicker of nerves In their eye A clench
My heart breaks A little each day For problems I can’t solve For things I can’t change All I can do is pray
I need to tell you How to survive With our disposition It’s okay to cry Maybe
I will be Forever in debt To my mother Any gift Would come up short