The pine trees Reach up On both sides Of the road Telling me
Beside you I am At peace Our love A connection
I don’t expect Diabetes education For the public But chances are You know one
How do you measure pain? All is relative and personal Even with one’s own self It is impossible to compare As memory distorts pain
The strings that attach me To this world Ground me Yes they sometimes Keep me from flying
Restless As I lay in bed Trying to fall asleep These are my clues I might be low
Filler words Put me to sleep Added to cushion Take away my pillow Blunt words to wake up
Yo te amo Tres palabras Que solucionen todo Para la mujer Tan complicada
If you find someone That can do it Better than you Get them on your team
Strong hands Hold me down To the bed I say to them I have to go
A family trait Massage Is our vice No shame Take what
How do you describe A man so dramatic? You can recognize him From afar with his hat Always the gentleman
I feel like crap Most days I have a lot going my way I am loved I can smile
Que te cuentan un chiste Las palabras se traducen Pero el humor no se puede Por si no lo entiendes Ríete
A noisy restaurant Listen Focus Beyond the dishes The music