Thosedays when my head is blank, with not a clue, hopeless. Yes, we are a bunch of emotions, r… These days were the heart feels co… How much I dislike these days.
I stand at the other side, the wip… Let me grab the time, give back my sanity. You do not deserve my anything. Stand aside I’m coming through,
I am the lightning, the fire. I am the start of my life. I am rising to the universe, I am gliding over hates.
This is the short story of when I… Nothing quite elegant, nothing qui… I have to say that I hated those… Later on, I missed your way of be… For that, I missed your stupid fa…
Existes, aún en lo imaginario. En esos días huecos, en el pálpito… Existe tu sonrisa, que me levanta;… Con los ojos brillantes y cuando s… La existencia del beso que guardé…
In this light and blue, we almost… Circle of life kicks in my heart a… Where are you going to be, now tha… Please, oh please do pick me up wh… Almost, I almost have your kind n…
You, oh my dear you. Piece of heaven for this world. You that have come and become. What a piece of art, what a piece of glorious soul.
This is all. The perfect way is you. Sunrise is your smile. Dear is your heart. Look upon the sky.
All I ask to the heavens is to fr… This corrupted life, this profound… I hate myself for this human body,… This person around me that seem to… nothing... nada.
You, with all that glamorous thing… What a waste of a human, what a wa… Everyone deadly ground to this lan… Where are we going? What are we going to do when this…
Más allá de la piel; puedo ver las cicatrices que me gritan con un echo punzante. Mientras más me observo, allí la veo, esa quién solía ser. Veo mi vida navegando por una tormenta furio...
¿Dónde esta escrito que te pertene… No. Te equivoqué, tal vez con mis… Puede ser que mis manos te acarici… Pudo haber sido ese beso dormido q… ¿Porqué venir a mí con títulos de…
I encountered myself in a black ho… Wondering around, no idea, no clue… But, here you are. Believing in me much more than I… Why you cross my path now?
She tried to stand out, but she fa… I thought I was a mistake, but I failed. He does not know what is to love. He has a loss in his soul.
I love you forever. In the wind I see you, The street talks about how we were… Maybe we needed more time, But you flew and left me being by…