Rise heart of mine you are so beautiful, please do see. Rise up and fly you’re free.
You are my sky that I surrender. The light that shine trough this w… You are so imperfect, that perfect… My sweetheart, my whole. You are the sun and the moon.
Somos, Seremos. Viva la vida y el amor. Ten fe y esperanza, alcanza el per… Nada más importante,
All I ask to the heavens is to fr… This corrupted life, this profound… I hate myself for this human body,… This person around me that seem to… nothing... nada.
No seguiré buscando, dónde solo ex… No puedo ser esa, suplicando razon… Gracias por el tiempo entregado. Gracias por ser lección. Ahora te suelto, por el bien de lo…
At the meadowlands of nowhere, I… Freedom becomes a mastery over mys… Yes, because we can fly. We taste the odds, we grow like a… Somehow, nobody knows really what’…
We draw the way our way. With open eyes and open heart. In the deepest darkest moments, we… This world upon us, the race, the… In the verses that comerse the bes…
Oh you dearest! How sudden, how soon. The sky weeps, pain is an understatement. What will we do without your light…
You have to fight they say, you need to be a warrior. Stand still they say, your head ha… Dream of joy, run away. Luck is a shame, footsteps ahead.
You look so peaceful, so clear, so… When your smile crosses my sight,… Beat my heart with that calming lo…
Dime tú, cómo vas por la vida. Por mi parte, ya tengo esta risa t… Que no ves que arden, tus palabras… Aún así, mi amor por ti fue sincer… No sé que piensas,
We jumped trying to fly In the darkness of the night. We weren’t aware of that fall. How much time we love in the wonde… Nobody knows how much I loved you…
A primera vista supe cómo pasaría todo, serías mío unos momentos, ma… te perdería luego, trasnochado; de… que no dan valor al fuego. ¡Cállate! le gritaba la vida a est…
Tonight in the wind I hear your heartbeat, it says, no matter wher… you are I am you. What a dazzlingly perfect harmony, this two orquestarse between the
Y yo que te ame tanto! Estupida mi conciencia, bajo la guardia mi ser. Que triste amarte lejano. Que pereza en el corazon.