There are no right words for me to… you are mine and I am yours. Words seem blind, meaningless when speaking of this… The sky is ashamed because of your…
Tell them before I go, that I was… In the eyes of many lovers, in the… Tell them I danced in the rain an… Tell them I was free, the chains… Tell them I loved, hated, all the…
Me iría lejos. A otra luna. Mirar nuevos colores. Y ser yo. No.
My sweetheart, i’m here. Come, survive this soul. Wondrous things awaits us. You can, your love.
This is the short story of when I… Nothing quite elegant, nothing qui… I have to say that I hated those… Later on, I missed your way of be… For that, I missed your stupid fa…
I know you think of me. In those days were nothing makes s… I know you tryout to get rid of th… putting my time in the corner of y… I might be your biggest mistake
¿Dónde esta escrito que te pertene… No. Te equivoqué, tal vez con mis… Puede ser que mis manos te acarici… Pudo haber sido ese beso dormido q… ¿Porqué venir a mí con títulos de…
Se ha opacado la lumbre, cómo mirar el alba con este vacío inerte, contigo venciendo el abatimiento de los años. Tú obra magistral en este gran teatro, nos evoca a emitir, la última ova...
Dime tú, cómo vas por la vida. Por mi parte, ya tengo esta risa t… Que no ves que arden, tus palabras… Aún así, mi amor por ti fue sincer… No sé que piensas,
To have a dream is to have courage… Putting yourself upfront in the li… Appealing to the brightest stars. Grasping on and on, until you touc… To have a dream is to be bold, dea…
Por tanto tiempo me perdí en la pé… Dormí un largo instante; y al desp… Lejos de la perfección, sometida a… Cuanto te perdí en la búsqueda del… Tuve que cerrar los ojos y ver con…
All that we had, all that is lost,… Do not bring yourself this burden… Be aware of your mistakes, but don… May love flourish into your world… You deserve better and much more.
Let her be, stop pushing. Every hit is a slayer, killing her slowly. Why you don’t value her love? That is all she wanted.
No seguiré buscando, dónde solo ex… No puedo ser esa, suplicando razon… Gracias por el tiempo entregado. Gracias por ser lección. Ahora te suelto, por el bien de lo…
How the heavens cry about this spa… I wonder, oh my dear I wonder, wh… Maybe it lingers in the past, mayb… The despair of being me right now… I wasn’t going to look and you mad…
Y yo que te ame tanto! Estupida mi conciencia, bajo la guardia mi ser. Que triste amarte lejano. Que pereza en el corazon.
And the night comes... In the midst of a new broken day, Telling a story that is no wonder, It comes with my hopes high. We are just a blow of heaven,
I have been the shadows. Scratches covered, Black and blue. My name was a stranger, A foreigner,
Don’t be a fool you It’s not me you hate. Don’t fool yourself you I am your excuse to justify your own wicked spirit.
This world is filled with nothing… An idea we all are, learning our o… Accept and embrace who you are, wh… The road is located in the illusio… Mark your steps with your light.
You were my biggest regret I don’t use to be a vendetta seeke… I am just a girl that her heart is weaker. Sometimes I wonder why I looked
You, with all that glamorous thing… What a waste of a human, what a wa… Everyone deadly ground to this lan… Where are we going? What are we going to do when this…
Más allá de la piel; puedo ver las cicatrices que me gritan con un echo punzante. Mientras más me observo, allí la veo, esa quién solía ser. Veo mi vida navegando por una tormenta furio...
I need you to look inside, very deeply, and see. Take a look at the puzzle of your… look at those mistakes,
Oh look at you my sweetheart How gorgeous, how bold. Take a good look and see, how much… Don’t settle for less, don’t worry about what’s gone.
You’ve become my past. A little too late you’re here. You made your way, apart from me. Just be and let be.
What are you? Who are you? Maybe just a ray of sunshine tryin… What tell me, you are so stubbornly perfect that…
Beautiful you are, as I revive all the cells of encha… you bloom from night till day, refreshing my quemicals, adapting my corpse.
Y lo sé, porque desde el comienzo de lo eterno, estamos conectados. Sí, cómo ves, tú y yo, somos uno con todo y todos. La especial esencia del universo entero que nos dirige. No te sorp...
At the meadowlands of nowhere, I… Freedom becomes a mastery over mys… Yes, because we can fly. We taste the odds, we grow like a… Somehow, nobody knows really what’…
This is the world I dream about. A world filled with light, love an… One joined with the ONE, a world without fears, were humankind can be free.
I crossed your path at the perfect… call it fate, call it inescapablen… The one I waited for so long, I just want to hold you since befo… My willingness to be around your s…
Who knows where she is. Only her, only her. My dearest, my true. Who knows where she is. What a strange time we live,
He gave her the sky in a glance. She loved him even when he did’nt… He gave her all he could, from the silver moon, to the sweet surprise.
Time is dead now the clock has broken since you are… With your arms, you bring the calm of a future with a complete b… Perfection in an imperfection stat…
Cierro mis ojos y puedo imaginarte… Tu tierno rostro, tus latidos que… ¿Cómo decirte que este mundo no es… ¿Cómo es que mi mayor tesoro tendr… Solo espero que sepas, que por ti…
Oh! How I miss you missing me. Maybe just because it’s not meant… my darling you. What to do with this heart, that f… everywhere, that is ours, always h…
If you ask, I belong in you. Inside your deepest secrets. There in the corner of those broke… I am the light in your dawn, the d… opens up a new beginning.
Here I am, waiting. You’re welcome to come and enter t… It burns, my soul is my dearest fr… Only you can send those rays of pu… My love, yes you are.
Rise heart of mine you are so beautiful, please do see. Rise up and fly you’re free.
What a great fool of me, thinking… It hurts to my core those things y… I wonder... Has always been like this, like an… Something inside breaks down littl…
Que después me deleite tu mirada y… Que me abrace el despertar de tus… Quiero sentir la lejanía de tus be… Quiero todo lo nuestro tirado en l… Déjame beberte a la despedida, déj…
Raise my heart dor my sprit needs… Like the birds needs the skies. My dear yo are my best half. So do not fall in despair, because…
¡Ay criatura insulsa! ¿Cómo es que el encantamiento me h… Si es que fuese una rosa, me secar… He llegado a maldecir los brazos q… Me arrancaría la piel, me vestiría…
En el susurro de la noche mas obsc… ahí encuentro, te siento. Si te veo lejos o te veo incierto, ya, no importa.
You oh dammed. Never mind of that stupid game. This life is so great to be wasted… on that stupid little face. I am not sorry to say goodbye.
Wish a bit better, more bold. Look to the One, clear the soul. Darkness will never win.
Give me a reason to stay Give me a reason to not fade away Give me a reason to love Give me a reason to stand on my ow…
Betrayal is like a sharp knife. You can not heal the wounds that i… The one your heart one chooses, th… You lick and lick the opened wound… Betrayal is the most oldest way of…
This is the beginning of the great… It’s time to say goodbye to what d… Don’t worry you’ll be ok, I was you too... Say it to the world how loved you…
This is all. The perfect way is you. Sunrise is your smile. Dear is your heart. Look upon the sky.
Yes, I too have been alone. It killed me at times. But yet I learned my lessons. This is their best times to teach… the humans,
You and me rolling around. I might. Entertainment of this mind. Your freedom with mine. No wonder… This grassy grass is all we have.
I don’t get what is happening you think you have what it takes, I think you’re just a monkey, tryi… so hard to fit in. Shamely to see, this equation is n…
Longing for your life to accompany… In the midst of the night, in a lo… I’m longing for those beautiful ey… You, the only reason I believe th… When your hands travel my body I…
Me conoces más que nadie y te he f… No sé cómo hacer para allegarme a… No importa el tiempo que nos hemos… Soy humana, ya lo sé. Lo que digan, lo olvide.
I can’t give up just know. I can’t. This time I will rise, this time I can’t back down. This heart have been on hold,
Y de repente me doy cuenta que qui… Riendo de los mismos chistes, acariciándote el rostro. Cuanto te ama este corazón, que no imagina la vida sin tu perf…
How grateful I am to have you. This moment we both share, in love… you, my true lost love. I walked away from you. Maybe I was scared of your immens…