You travel trough my veins like a… That song written with the wildest… That melody covers up my fears, it… Dark scenario no more, light is ma… Look out,
There are no right words for me to… you are mine and I am yours. Words seem blind, meaningless when speaking of this… The sky is ashamed because of your…
I saw an invasion, not quite sure what it’s the purpo… Life’s dropping manners, life giving up. Sunrise is bizarre, how this got t…
You wraped me around your waist.… Find me there in those sticky note… Keep me inside, sealed me, carry me.
He came at me in a shame disguise, foolish, plain. I opened the door of the beat, he,
Do you feel my love? I want you to know that every part… Somehow, you, my darling, stole my… Why? Only the heavens know. But thanks…
Foolish heart not to know better. You, the breaking impostor, the da… The collateral damage is expected,… A little light saying hello. The most remarkable piece of heave…
Let her be, stop pushing. Every hit is a slayer, killing her slowly. Why you don’t value her love? That is all she wanted.
With all my heart I will follow y… under every stage of life, in ever… aspect of reality. If you want me to, I’ll be your s… that erotic moment when our minds
What a time this This is an epic episode of failure… Where’s my love? Where’s my lovely? I walk around in awe,
You were my biggest regret I don’t use to be a vendetta seeke… I am just a girl that her heart is weaker. Sometimes I wonder why I looked
Life grows old upon me. My eyes are so tired, the heart be… We created a world of disguise, no… seems real anymore. When I look the past, it appears…
Who knows where she is. Only her, only her. My dearest, my true. Who knows where she is. What a strange time we live,
I encountered myself in a black ho… Wondering around, no idea, no clue… But, here you are. Believing in me much more than I… Why you cross my path now?