At the end who will be there, In a corner, Waiting so perfectly patient, With eyes filled with hopes. Who’s the one that will care as mu…
You are my sky that I surrender. The light that shine trough this w… You are so imperfect, that perfect… My sweetheart, my whole. You are the sun and the moon.
Rise heart of mine you are so beautiful, please do see. Rise up and fly you’re free.
Create a space for our love. Where heaven holds the angels, where there is no pain. Create it for us... to be free. Create some wings so we can travel…
Tengo que reconocer que me traicio… Que a la vida le sobraron los silencios, Que el dolor se hizo amigo del sueño,
Oh you dearest! How sudden, how soon. The sky weeps, pain is an understatement. What will we do without your light…
What to do? Where to go? Can somebody tell me? It’s just so hard when you don’t h… You are in the mettle of nowhere,…
Let her be, stop pushing. Every hit is a slayer, killing her slowly. Why you don’t value her love? That is all she wanted.
Here I am, waiting. You’re welcome to come and enter t… It burns, my soul is my dearest fr… Only you can send those rays of pu… My love, yes you are.
And the night comes... In the midst of a new broken day, Telling a story that is no wonder, It comes with my hopes high. We are just a blow of heaven,
How grateful I am to have you. This moment we both share, in love… you, my true lost love. I walked away from you. Maybe I was scared of your immens…
Before you go let me kiss you in t… Wash off our nights in love, our f… Above the surface are the hearts h… Let me before you go, vacate the s…
How the heavens cry about this spa… I wonder, oh my dear I wonder, wh… Maybe it lingers in the past, mayb… The despair of being me right now… I wasn’t going to look and you mad…
Y de repente me doy cuenta que qui… Riendo de los mismos chistes, acariciándote el rostro. Cuanto te ama este corazón, que no imagina la vida sin tu perf…
We jumped trying to fly In the darkness of the night. We weren’t aware of that fall. How much time we love in the wonde… Nobody knows how much I loved you…