I love you forever. In the wind I see you, The street talks about how we were… Maybe we needed more time, But you flew and left me being by…
My chest is the sky you fly, when life gets tougher, giving me… I look around and all I see is ve… You are a gift from the purest sou… Call it whatever.
There’s nothing left here, our story is all over. I have always wished you the best… I used to feel lost, now I just don’t feel.
Somos, Seremos. Viva la vida y el amor. Ten fe y esperanza, alcanza el per… Nada más importante,
We draw the way our way. With open eyes and open heart. In the deepest darkest moments, we… This world upon us, the race, the… In the verses that comerse the bes…
Time is dead now the clock has broken since you are… With your arms, you bring the calm of a future with a complete b… Perfection in an imperfection stat…
Si algo, me interesa servir de inspiración. Síganse ustedes mismos, sus ideas, sueños, gustos. ¿Si el buen Dios le da a cada uno libertad al nacer; porqué seguimos siendo lo que otros e...
Raise my heart dor my sprit needs… Like the birds needs the skies. My dear yo are my best half. So do not fall in despair, because…
This is the last time we spend tog… Let me tell you some things, my lo… before you go... ripping my heart. You never knew that smell of yours in the morning, made me crazy,
Existes, aún en lo imaginario. En esos días huecos, en el pálpito… Existe tu sonrisa, que me levanta;… Con los ojos brillantes y cuando s… La existencia del beso que guardé…
You travel trough my veins like a… That song written with the wildest… That melody covers up my fears, it… Dark scenario no more, light is ma… Look out,
What a beautiful light you have. Like a chill day under the sun. Refreshing is the view of those sa… Bright idea of what might be. That little boy is extremely extre…
You’ve become my past. A little too late you’re here. You made your way, apart from me. Just be and let be.
I have been the shadows. Scratches covered, Black and blue. My name was a stranger, A foreigner,
This world is filled with nothing… An idea we all are, learning our o… Accept and embrace who you are, wh… The road is located in the illusio… Mark your steps with your light.