What the hell? What’s going on? I see them, the fakers I mean. All the glam, but empty space. Flash, Flash, Flashes.
¡Que locura! la manía de amarte, mientras caminas lejano, más te pienso. Estupidez la mía en pensarlo, a veces se me opaca el intento,
Before you go let me kiss you in t… Wash off our nights in love, our f… Above the surface are the hearts h… Let me before you go, vacate the s…
All that we had, all that is lost,… Do not bring yourself this burden… Be aware of your mistakes, but don… May love flourish into your world… You deserve better and much more.
Si algo, me interesa servir de inspiración. Síganse ustedes mismos, sus ideas, sueños, gustos. ¿Si el buen Dios le da a cada uno libertad al nacer; porqué seguimos siendo lo que otros e...
We draw the way our way. With open eyes and open heart. In the deepest darkest moments, we… This world upon us, the race, the… In the verses that comerse the bes…
At the meadowlands of nowhere, I… Freedom becomes a mastery over mys… Yes, because we can fly. We taste the odds, we grow like a… Somehow, nobody knows really what’…
In this light and blue, we almost… Circle of life kicks in my heart a… Where are you going to be, now tha… Please, oh please do pick me up wh… Almost, I almost have your kind n…
All I ask to the heavens is to fr… This corrupted life, this profound… I hate myself for this human body,… This person around me that seem to… nothing... nada.
Cierro mis ojos y puedo imaginarte… Tu tierno rostro, tus latidos que… ¿Cómo decirte que este mundo no es… ¿Cómo es que mi mayor tesoro tendr… Solo espero que sepas, que por ti…
She tried to stand out, but she fa… I thought I was a mistake, but I failed. He does not know what is to love. He has a loss in his soul.
Pensé por un momento que moría, Pero no... sobreviví. Miré al espejo y me vi, hermosa, l… Que suerte que es el poder ser. Respirar con el corazón en complet…
Me conoces más que nadie y te he f… No sé cómo hacer para allegarme a… No importa el tiempo que nos hemos… Soy humana, ya lo sé. Lo que digan, lo olvide.
There’s nothing left here, our story is all over. I have always wished you the best… I used to feel lost, now I just don’t feel.
Create a space for our love. Where heaven holds the angels, where there is no pain. Create it for us... to be free. Create some wings so we can travel…