I look forward for the answers. But no, you’re not here. I stay at a blank state. You don’t come back. Maybe you don’t care.
Life grows old upon me. My eyes are so tired, the heart be… We created a world of disguise, no… seems real anymore. When I look the past, it appears…
A primera vista supe cómo pasaría todo, serías mío unos momentos, ma… te perdería luego, trasnochado; de… que no dan valor al fuego. ¡Cállate! le gritaba la vida a est…
To have a dream is to have courage… Putting yourself upfront in the li… Appealing to the brightest stars. Grasping on and on, until you touc… To have a dream is to be bold, dea…
Me, that core of magical thoughts… You, running away like a child in… Coward. Do you think you can run forever f… Pitty, thought you knew better...
Time is dead now the clock has broken since you are… With your arms, you bring the calm of a future with a complete b… Perfection in an imperfection stat…
What else is out there if everyone… This time of mistery, the uncertai… Dear is the past now, that shows u… This momentum right here. They say, you say, I say and all…
You and me rolling around. I might. Entertainment of this mind. Your freedom with mine. No wonder… This grassy grass is all we have.
Recuerdo aquella tarde... Fría, desvelada. ¡Ay cómo decías mi amor! La vida mía. Caminatas por doquier y aún aquell…
En el susurro de la noche mas obsc… ahí encuentro, te siento. Si te veo lejos o te veo incierto, ya, no importa.
This is all. The perfect way is you. Sunrise is your smile. Dear is your heart. Look upon the sky.
What are you? Who are you? Maybe just a ray of sunshine tryin… What tell me, you are so stubbornly perfect that…
I tried and tried to stand up and… As I looked at him with wonder. He faded, from himself. I was deep down researching my hea… Crazy me too.
Please tell her, don’t be sorry. The truth shall set her free. Tell her she is the glory, of the fighting within.
Beautiful you are, as I revive all the cells of encha… you bloom from night till day, refreshing my quemicals, adapting my corpse.