Oh! How I miss you missing me. Maybe just because it’s not meant… my darling you. What to do with this heart, that f… everywhere, that is ours, always h…
Con los cabellos sal y pimienta, que denotan su esencia. No sé bien el misterio que guarde usted en su pecho, más seguro sé, que su abrazo debe de ser un cuento. Tómelo por estima, este...
My chest is the sky you fly, when life gets tougher, giving me… I look around and all I see is ve… You are a gift from the purest sou… Call it whatever.
There’s nothing left here, our story is all over. I have always wished you the best… I used to feel lost, now I just don’t feel.
You have to fight they say, you need to be a warrior. Stand still they say, your head ha… Dream of joy, run away. Luck is a shame, footsteps ahead.
You’ve become my past. A little too late you’re here. You made your way, apart from me. Just be and let be.
This is the time. To be sure and grateful. This is the best one. Your peace and love is waiting. Never stop believing,
You and me rolling around. I might. Entertainment of this mind. Your freedom with mine. No wonder… This grassy grass is all we have.
If you ask, I belong in you. Inside your deepest secrets. There in the corner of those broke… I am the light in your dawn, the d… opens up a new beginning.
I know you think of me. In those days were nothing makes s… I know you tryout to get rid of th… putting my time in the corner of y… I might be your biggest mistake
I have been the shadows. Scratches covered, Black and blue. My name was a stranger, A foreigner,
I stand at the other side, the wip… Let me grab the time, give back my sanity. You do not deserve my anything. Stand aside I’m coming through,
On this tiny little paper, only th… I wrote the memories of us. Surprisingly they fit. So little things. Though I care for us.
Hold my circumference, whole and p… You, the one that saves me every d… You, the one who knows something i… You the only one who waits patient… My dear you, you’re my favorite pl…
How grateful I am to have you. This moment we both share, in love… you, my true lost love. I walked away from you. Maybe I was scared of your immens…