Juan Benito

Carelessly Dodging Everything

When I decide to do whatever I do,
I charge forth with a full head of steam,
Carelessly dodging everything,
Go, stop, rest, go again,
In the snow, sleet, or rain,
I am not stopping until the end,
Some say fool you are,
You’re not going far,
Nothing is what you’ll get,
You’ll be filled with regret,
I laugh and I say,
Cause this my way,
From the night to night,
From day to day,
I do what I think,
I do what I say,
Always reaching out,
Wondering what things are about,
This is me,
This is who I be,
Reactionary, achiever, affectionate,
My life is set,
End is not end,
But a chance to begin,
Again and again,
I be me!
So, who be you,
If you can’t find something to do,
If you make excuses,
For this or that,
This isn’t where it’s at,
You may never take a stand,
Away you go, run again,
When you stop,
Don’t fall and flop,
Get up and decide what to do,
Charge forth with a full head of steam,
Carelessly, dodging everything.
Written:  9/26/2010
Copyright by Benito J Cantu, poemas por bjcantu


At times, life seems desolate, but the inner spirit can be the strength you need, never give up, be who you are and you will go far.


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