If you’re satisfied with yourself And the world you live in, Is that your cue To start again?
I’m a take no prisoners kind of ma… A knockdown, drag out, hang if you… Calculating, ruthless, no fear Nothing to lose, nothing held dear Use you up, throw you to the curb
My heart tells me That you’re no good I’m pretty sure That’s why I should I’ve never been
I give you an inch You try for a mile I’m glad I spoke up And still made you smile
I’ve lost my joy Not sure where it went I can’t remember It’s sweet smelling scent It had to do
Blue used to be my favorite color. Now I prefer (purple). (purple) is like blue, but more in… You’re my (more interesting, favor…
I’ve always been Out on the run I’ve never felt Like had a home And then one day
Always classy Never trashy Kinda sassy Sweet thing Ashley
I’d like to find someone That celebrates my self Except this life’s taught me You can’t trust no one else They see your loving charms
Agile Mobile Versatile Tactile Virile
Caught a glance Just by chance And it somehow moved me Head snapped Thunder clapped
Go ahead Do your thing I’m waiting With open wings
I don’t see much the future I don’t remember past I only know this present A gift, that too, shall pass
Your face Transcends Garnish
Two is one One is none That’s the world we live in Relative Perspective