Chose a path Not like the rest Takes a strength That can’t be matched But...
Ain’t no mountain high Ain’t no valley nigh When you’re in my sights
I know we have a special bond Because we can’t help get along Find pleasure in the naughty songs And all the rights within our wron…
Whether you want To face it or not I’m still your dad Both of our faults I chose the you
Jonathan and Jordan Sitting in a tree M-u-s-s-i-n-g First comes souls Then comes mates
Lord and Jesus Christ Don’t forget the lice Spiders, ticks, and skeeters All the heeby-jeebers They’ve got their own place
I’ll tear myself from limb to limb For you to suture up again It feels like the perfect win/win To play our roles, morals and sin
To tell you the truth I relish your cum It’s the best homage To a job well done
I’ve lost my joy Not sure where it went I can’t remember It’s sweet smelling scent It had to do
I lived today. I breathed. I moved. I was. I hope I helped.
One reason I know Our love is first rate, We don’t have to talk To communicate.
I’m in the darkness You can’t intervene It’s just what I need For light to shine clean
If you’re satisfied with yourself And the world you live in, Is that your cue To start again?
I gave a shit But you didn’t Next time around You’ll be the clown
Always lived a life that’s been Filled with devils, marked by sin Never thought my darker side Be the thing that brings you light