We might be just a bit fucked up And, God, I hope that’s true ‘Cause that means life is nothing… The deepest passion’s hue
I was born for this Reflexes like a puss Even when I’m pissed
If I had one wish in this world It’s that you would be daddy’s gir… You’d look to me to cure the ills Or when you just might feel like t…
I need to get him out So he feels the treat Of an empty bladder Grass beneath his feet
I guess I write poetry I just vomit my soul onto paper I don’t know what else to call it but, poetry
Sometimes I will stare You’re just more interesting Than others in sight
I’ve driven self along my quest I think it might be time for rest To take steps back and then assess What it might mean to be my best
Elaborate mazes Of conjured phrases Tickle the ear Of literary peers But don’t read the type
I am a primal beast, at best That needs to smell your sweet ess… It’s not enough when you’re outsid… I need your stank within my life
You think I’ve got it all figured… I don’t know what’s more wrong I’ve only seen just a glimpse of… You’ve been Her all along
I’d like to find someone That celebrates my self Except this life’s taught me You can’t trust no one else They see your loving charms
What if I watched with no judgement or saw without shame, nurtured your essence behind drawn shades?
Don’t give me your heart I can’t bear that pain Being lonely hurts less Than giving you my name
I think it’s just about time for m… Pack on up and head to the Great… Maybe if I sever all my human tie… My outer world will match the one…
Ever seen Fawn on teet Wagging tail like dog? If you can’t Then I shant