There’s one thing I’ve never had in my life And I feel I’d regret Not tasting the spice It’s lean, it’s mean
My soul tells me that you will run I think that sounds like lots of f… I’ll chase you deep into the sun Where lovers meet and melt as one
I cast the blame on you and her That just might be a bit obscured To tell the tale with honest voice I have to acknowledge my choice
Would you wanna hang out some time To see if dreams maybe align Feels like our rhythms could be rh… And these voices might harmonize
I guess I write poetry I just vomit my soul onto paper I don’t know what else to call it but, poetry
If you think I’m gonna give up You don’t know shit about me I’m completely stubborn as fuck Ass ain’t got nothin’ on me
Never seen Better scenes Than red lights On green trees
You’ve always been ahead the curve And paradise awaits your nerve To hold on fast and never swerve From the sweet path of nature’s ve…
My parents threw me to the pits When I was just a little kid That’s why I only know the cold And loving touch is stranglehold
I like pretty girls With really tight curls That know how to dance and move me They gyrate and flex And downright perplex
I’m a take no prisoners kind of ma… A knockdown, drag out, hang if you… Calculating, ruthless, no fear Nothing to lose, nothing held dear Use you up, throw you to the curb
I don’t see much the future I don’t remember past I only know this present A gift, that too, shall pass
I am homeless Not because I live in my car But, because my home is in the arm… And I forget what that feels like
To tell you the truth I relish your cum It’s the best homage To a job well done
I am a Libra, can’t you see The meaning of dichotomy The this and that, the you and me The balance and disparity