I pour my heart into these prose Because I feel I need to go Into the darkness that will show What needs to surface from below
I drank a fifth of rum last night It wasn’t worth the morning plight If I could do it all again I’d have eight shots... or maybe t…
I choose to be The Most Unclean So you can see The God in thee
I’ve never known The salve of rest I’ve only felt Drums in my chest And when I think
Sometimes I will stare You’re just more interesting Than others in sight
The Earth is my Mother The Heavens my Dad I love my Father But I’m a Momma’s boy at heart
I had to shut everyone out To find my Self So I could let everyone in
I feel like I could be the swan That you have set your sights upon I’ll give my all to reach the Sun And won’t stop ‘til our hearts are…
There was a little girl in town That always wore a big ol’ crown She ran and danced about the stree… The townspeople were less than swe… They said “What is this wild chil…
I don’t see much the future I don’t remember past I only know this present A gift, that too, shall pass
My heart tells me That you’re no good I’m pretty sure That’s why I should I’ve never been
I am a primal beast, at best That needs to smell your sweet ess… It’s not enough when you’re outsid… I need your stank within my life
I wish that you could see myself The way that I see me Then maybe I might be the one That you would call lovely
I feel you You feel me Our love happens eventually With an up down Turn us round
Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy