Treat yourself Like you wish others Would treat you
Don’t try to be divine ‘Cause we’ve always been Just try to be yourself My out fits your in
I am homeless Not because I live in my car But, because my home is in the arm… And I forget what that feels like
It won’t be pretty the tears the snot the mess Lifetimes
I’m such an ass You don’t even know Devoid of class No love to bestow I plant despair
Jonathan and Jordan Sitting in a tree M-u-s-s-i-n-g First comes souls Then comes mates
Sittin’ in a patio chair Breathin’ in the cool night air Listening to the breeze Rustling leaves in trees I’m being the love of life
Not growing, dying That’s just simple facts Take a look at plants Nature’s info packs
She is the one I call my life And nothing like Her sweet and spice So if you want
When they say “Two wrongs don’t make a right.” What I hear is “Don’t confuse justice with spite.…
My love is like a laser beam To melt you down and make you crea… It comes and goes just like a drea… Because the bright is touch obscen…
We were formed In relation To this world Our creation
I really love how the moonlight Reveals the sparkle in your eyes And how the cold accentuates The feelings shown across your fac… How every time you take a breath
I have no tricks. I have no sleeves. I have only me. And that’s enough.
What if I watched with no judgement or saw without shame, nurtured your essence behind drawn shades?