Of all our antic sights and pagean… Which English idiots run in crowd… The Polish Medal bears the prize… A monster, more the favourite of t… Than either fairs or theatres have…
Ask not the cause why sullen Spri… So long delays her flowers to bear… Why warbling birds forget to sing, And winter storms invert the year: Chloris is gone; and fate provides
Poets, your subjects have their pa… To unbend, and to divert their sov… When tired with following nature,… To seek repose in the cool shades… And, from the sweet retreat, with…
Thus long my grief has kept me dum… Sure there’s a lethargy in mighty… Tears stand congealed, and cannot… And the sad soul retires into her… Tears, for a stroke foreseen, affo…
On a bank, beside a willow, Heaven her covering, earth her pil… Sad Amynta sigh’d alone: From the cheerless dawn of morning Till the dews of night returning,
Of gentle blood, his parents’ only… Their lasting sorrow, and their va… Adorned with features, virtues, wi… A large provision for so short a r… More moderate gifts might have pro…
Creator Spirit, by whose aid The world’s foundations first were… Come, visit ev’ry pious mind; Come, pour thy joys on human kind; From sin, and sorrow set us free;
In days of old there lived, of mig… A valiant Prince, and Theseus was… A chief, who more in feats of arms… The rising nor the setting sun beh… Of Athens he was lord; much land…
Madam, When, for our sakes, your hero you… To swelling seas, and every faithl… When you released his courage, and… A valour fatal to the enemy;
Well then; the promis’d hour is co… The present age of wit obscures th… Strong were our sires; and as they… Conqu’ring with force of arms, and… Theirs was the giant race, before…
Ladies! (I hope there’s none behi… I long to whisper something in you… A secret, which does much my mind… There’s treason in the play agains… A man that’s false to love, that v…
Why should a foolish marriage vow, Which long ago was made, Oblige us to each other now When passion is decay’d? We lov’d, and we lov’d, as long as…
Thou youngest virgin-daughter of t… Made in the last promotion of the… Whose palms, new pluck’d from Par… In spreading branches more sublime… Rich with immortal green above the…
In those cold regions which no sum… Where brooding darkness covers hal… To hollow caves the shivering nati… Bears range abroad, and hunt in tr… But when the tedious twilight wear…
You charm’d me not with that fair… Though it was all divine: To be another’s is the grace, That makes me wish you mine. The Gods and Fortune take their p…