Now turning from the wintry signs,… His course exalted through the Ra… And whirling up the skies, his cha… Through Taurus, and the lightsome… Where Venus from her orb descends…
There lived, as authors tell, in d… A widow, somewhat old, and very po… Deep in a dale her cottage lonely… Well thatched, and under covert of… This dowager, on whom my tale I f…
The longest tyranny that ever sway… Was that wherein our ancestors bet… Their free-born reason to the Sta… And made his torch their universal… So truth, while only one supplied…
Why should a foolish marriage vow, Which long ago was made, Oblige us to each other now When passion is decay’d? We lov’d, and we lov’d, as long as…
Why should a foolish marriage vow, Which long ago was made, Oblige us to each other now, When passion is decayed? We loved, and we loved, as long as…
NO, no, poor suff’ring Heart, no… Choose to sustain the smart, rathe… My ravish’d eyes behold such charm… I can die with her, but not live w… One tender Sigh of hers to see me…
Thou youngest virgin-daughter of t… Made in the last promotion of the… Whose palms, new pluck’d from Par… In spreading branches more sublime… Rich with immortal green above the…
Of all the cities in Romanian lan… The chief and most renowned Raven… Adorned in ancient times with arms… And rich inhabitants with generous… But Theodore the brave, above the…
You charm’d me not with that fair… Though it was all divine: To be another’s is the grace, That makes me wish you mine. The Gods and Fortune take their p…
In days of old, when Arthur fille… Whose acts and fame to foreign lan… The king of elves, and little fair… Gambolled on heaths, and danced on… And where the jolly troop had led…
To say this comedy pleased long ag… Is not enough to make it pass you… Yet, gentlemen, your ancestors had… When few men censured, and when fe… And Jonson, of those few the best…
Can life be a blessing, Or worth the possessing, Can life be a blessing if love wer… Ah no! though our love all night k… And though he torment us with care…
(OR A LAYMAN’S FAITH) Dim, as the borrow’d beams of moon… To lonely, weary, wand’ring travel… Is reason to the soul; and as on h… Those rolling fires discover but t…
Air Iris I love, and hourly I di… But not for a lip, nor a languishi… She’s fickle and false, and there… For I am as false and as fickle a… We neither believe what either can…
In days of old there lived, of mig… A valiant Prince, and Theseus was… A chief, who more in feats of arms… The rising nor the setting sun beh… Of Athens he was lord; much land…