Creator Spirit, by whose aid The world’s foundations first were… Come, visit ev’ry pious mind; Come, pour thy joys on human kind; From sin, and sorrow set us free;
In that wild deluge where the worl… When life and sin one common tomb… The first small prospect of a risi… With various notes of joy the ark… Yet when that flood in its own dep…
Must noble Hastings immaturely di… The honour of his ancient family, Beauty and learning thus together… To bring a winding for a wedding s… Must virtue prove death’s harbinge…
Why should a foolish marriage vow, Which long ago was made, Oblige us to each other now, When passion is decayed? We loved, and we loved, as long as…
Thee, Sovereign God, our grateful… We own thee Lord, and bless thy w… To thee, Eternal Father, earth’s… With loudest trumpets sounds immor… Lord God of Hosts! for thee the h…
To say this comedy pleased long ag… Is not enough to make it pass you… Yet, gentlemen, your ancestors had… When few men censured, and when fe… And Jonson, of those few the best…
A plain-built house, after so long… Will send you half unsatisfied awa… When, fallen from your expected po… A bare convenience only is designe… You, who each day can theatres beh…
Once I beheld the fairest of her… And still the sweet idea charms my… True, she was dumb; for nature gaz… Pleased with her work, that she fo… But, smiling, said—She still shal…
Of gentle blood, his parents’ only… Their lasting sorrow, and their va… Adorned with features, virtues, wi… A large provision for so short a r… More moderate gifts might have pro…
In days of old, when Arthur fille… Whose acts and fame to foreign lan… The king of elves, and little fair… Gambolled on heaths, and danced on… And where the jolly troop had led…
After the pangs of a desperate lov… When day and night I have sighed… Ah, what a pleasure it is to disco… In her eyes pity, who causes my pa… When with unkindness our love at a…
You charm’d me not with that fair… Though it was all divine: To be another’s is the grace, That makes me wish you mine. The Gods and Fortune take their p…
The unhappy man, who once has trai… Lives not to please himself, but o… Is always drudging, wastes his lif… Yet only eats and drinks what you… What praise soe’er the poetry dese…
Poets, your subjects have their pa… To unbend, and to divert their sov… When tired with following nature,… To seek repose in the cool shades… And, from the sweet retreat, with…
Why should a foolish marriage vow, Which long ago was made, Oblige us to each other now When passion is decay’d? We lov’d, and we lov’d, as long as…